John Michael helped me water our new hibiscus plants! None of them have flowers yet, though! And yes, our poor yard is up past John Michael's ankles! The grass has since been cut. Hopefully Jordan wont' kill me for posting a picture with our grass needing a good cut!
He also watered himself!
Water is too much fun!
Jack enjoyed the sun too! We're still waiting on our garden to produce some veggies. It's looking pretty good!
Surprisingly, John Michael didn't freak out when Matthew got in his little red car. They played together pretty well!
What a cutie!
John Michael has been such a big, big boy here lately! Just precious! Last summer we were having a harder time with behavioral issues. This summer it's much better. You hear so much about the "terrible two's" but starting around 14-15 mos was really hard on us with JM!
He looooves to help with just about anything we do, including watering our garden!
Tiny baby hands streeeetching, streeeetching to grab a blade of grass.
And this is just typical baby Matthew. He is what we call a "face scruncher!" We have no idea why he does it, but when he gets tickled about something his whole little face just scrunches up!
Hope you have a great day! I'm having a little girl time tonight! I'm going to a recipe exchange party and I know it's going to be so fun! I just love it when I get a chance to sit around with some of my favorite girls from church. I'm so blessed!
Verse O' The Day:
Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.
James 5:14-15
What cute pictures of the boys playing outdoors!! I love the third one of Matthew in the car. It looks like he is backing out of the driveway....haha. JM is becoming such a good big brother! I hope you have fun at the recipe swap. Email me some of the good recipes!!
I'm pretty sure 15-16 months is a HARD age. Your boys are growing so fast!
I'm glad I got to see you tonight. You looked so pretty!
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