Friday, February 20, 2015

3 Months.....

Well, Emma Kate turned 3 months this week. In a way, it seems to have flown by but as usual I just can't remember her not being here. 

I am so biased, but she is so stinkin' sweet and cute to boot! I have gotten a few almost laughs this week so I think we are close. We definitely get sweet smiles all day long and they just melt my heart! 

The boys are still just smitten with her. I could lose count of how many kisses and hugs she gets everyday from them! We all just love her so! So far she seems pretty chill but does like to be held! She likes tummy time, is a great nurser, and stopped sleeping great after she was diagnosed with the flu last week. She pulled through with the help of Tamiflu so I hope we are all on the mend around here! Happy 3 Months, Emma Kate! We love your squishy, sweet smile!