Friday, January 16, 2015

A Gift in January

My resolution every year is to blog and, well, I never get around to it! I've decided to try to do a better job and stop worrying about the things I haven't posted and just post when I can and just show the randomness of our lives this winter with a new baby!

I decided to skip MOPS this morning and instead opt for a slow, laid back morning of pjs, pancakes, and coffee! Noah was my kitchen helper this morning! He loves to cook!
Next, little miss sunshine woke up! She started smiling this week and I just totally melt inside when I can get smiles from her. I know we are heading out of newborn territory and entering real baby territory! I mean, really, look at her!

I decided to put this verse on my lock screen that I read this morning. What a great place to be reminded of the joy we can have in Him!

We cleaned a bit and played with toys and worked on a bit of school work then packed up to go have lunch with Jordan.

What a gift we were given today; when we got outside it was sunny and kind of warm! I couldn't believe it!

We played outside after lunch for quote awhile!

I didn't want to come back inside it was just so wonderful!

The boys watched the Lego Movie on the couch and Emma Kate napped so I was able to sit at the kitchen table and menu plan. I even got some coupons printed out after not using any for about a year!
I made spaghetti for dinner and tried 100 Days of Real Food Apple Crisp for dessert.....only Noah would eat it though (no shocker!)
Happy Friday, indeed! We have a busy weekend planned!


Unknown said...

I just have found your blog again. The web address I had was different. Lots of catching up to do! Loving all the pictures!