Sunday, April 20, 2014

First Day of Kindergarten

Continuing my trend of catching up the blog from a few months ago, I can't forget to blog about John Michael's first day of school!  We have the unique opportunity to do a classical education Christian school model in our area.  We have prayed about this for a few years and just really felt that this was the place for our kids.  Because it's a mix of home school/regular school, I really wasn't all that sad about John Michael heading to kindergarten.  If he was leaving me for 5 full days a week, I probably would have been a basket case!  I was really excited for him to begin this awesome new journey!

The morning-of we woke up super early and had breakfast as a family and then headed to school so that we could drop him off and say goodbye!

Be still, my heart!

He looks a little dazed?!  We said our goodbyes, I reluctantly left the room, took one last look back, and left.  I think I did pretty well!  I still can't believe all those hard years of raising little ones just passed so quickly and now it's time for school.

After we dropped brother at school, Matthew went to meet his preschool teacher and see his room that he would be in for 3 year old preschool.  He knew Mrs. Brooke very well, so he was happy to go see her and check out his room!

For a fun treat, we went to Waffle House for lunch, because....well, life is short and sometimes you just need to say YES to waffles for lunch!

It was a long day waiting for brother to get out of his first day of school.  I learned a little about navigating the school pick up line too!

For an after school treat we stopped by our favorite cupcake shop to celebrate our first day of school!  John Michael had a great first day!  Now that the school year is almost over, I cannot say enough great things about his kindergarten year.  I have loved his precious teacher, the school, the sweet days we get to spend together as a family doing home school work, and the sheer amount of amazing things that he is doing now! It has been a great fit for our family! I can't believe his first year of school is almost over!