The boys had their last day of school a few weeks ago! I can't believe another school year has passed us by! By the end of the year Matthew was just NOT having it, so I didn't make him go the last day! He stayed home and hung out with me. It will be a very new and different dynamic next fall when JM goes to school 3 days a week and Matthew will only go for 1 day of Mother's Day Out. I think Matthew and Noah will really have some good bonding time. For now, Matthew and JM are so bonded that I think it will be kind of neat for Matthew to get a chance to bond with Noah since big brother will be gone a few days a week.
Here's JM ready for his last day of school. This year has been full of ups and downs, lots of learning, and lots of learning about things that we need to work on. He has learned SO much, grown by leaps and bounds, met a lot of friends and delt with a few not so nice kids, and he discovered he loves the computer lab (like Daddy!). He's matured a lot and started turning into a great little kid. He knows ALL of his ABCs, knows what each letter "says", can count at least to 20, and can count backwards too!
Here's a picture of Matthew with his precious teacher, Miss Steph! This picture was his first day of school.....
And this picture was his last day of school even though he refused to go and wouldn't have anything to do with his teachers.
Here's JM with his sweet teacher, Miss Kim! She was very patient with him this year and taught him a lot! He's the youngest boy in his class.
And here's the heartbreak picture....first day of school,
and last day of school. Goodness grief they grew a lot. Mainly Matthew looks like he grew a ton!
After school we celebrated and had a rare treat of middle of the day, just for fun, ice cream from Chick-fil-A! We ate and played in the play place.
Even Baby Noah got in on the action!
I know summer will be SHORT and I plan on enjoying it and enjoying them while they're still little. This summer is already much better and easier than last summer. Having a 3 year old, an 19 month old, and a newborn was no picnic but we got through it and this summer is going to be different and fun!
summers were looked so forward to but way to short - just make the most of the time - but don't forget that down time is just as good too - balance their time!
loved reading this!! good memories recorded of first and last days of schools; and there will be many! they look so cute - I especially love the picture of Matthew in the long seersucker outfit!
It's just crazy how much they have all changed in one year! We always (and still do) anxiously awaited the first day of summer! I know this will be one to remember for you, Jordan, and the boys. I love JM's sweet smile in the first picture, and love Matthew's smile/snarl in the third from the bottom....and then there is precious little Noah at the bottom! They melt my heart....
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