As usual, I'm way behind on my blogging! I'm just so tired at night once we finally get everyone down for the night that I generally just can't even think about working on the blog. I want to make time though, because I love writing down what all is going on with our house full of little boys! I'll start with Valentine's Day!
The day before Valentine's Day it snowed and the boys were super excited to get outside in it! I bundled them up nice and warm and sent them on their merry way! Can you tell I still don't have my Canon camera fixed? These pictures just look so grainy!
They had a really fun time and played pretty hard. They played on their swing set and slid down the slide in the snow! When they came in I had hot chocolate waiting on them!
Noah and I watched from inside where it was warm!
The next morning we started Valentine's Day out by having sweet heart-shaped cinnamon buns.
And the boys had little butterfly Valentines from mommy and daddy. I made these for their preschool classmates as well.
And for lunch I made everything heart shaped! I'm sure they really cared, but I thought it was cute and I hope I made some fun memories with them. They're my sweet valentines!
Jordan and I didn't do anything special for Valentine's evening. Jordan ran out and grabbed us some take out and we watched a RedBox movie. I'm not being un-romantic, but Valentine's just isn't a big deal for us usually! Especially after having kids, we'd just prefer a nice, quiet evening at home talking! Overall, it was a fun day!
Such cute food ideas! I know the boys loved having all the heart shaped food. And the picture of the boys all bundled up reminds me of Ralphy and his little brother in the movie "The Christmas Story"..haha. So cute!!
Oh the heart shaped cinnamon rolls looked soooo cute and then I scroll down and you've got a whole lunch plate full of heart shaped goodies----so creative and yummy!
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