Anyway, I haven't blogged in forever and so I thought I'd start at Thanksgiving...and it was a doozy!
So here's the story of Thanksgiving 2011...Enjoy!
So of course Noah isn't sleeping well lately. Did I mention that? So basically, I had gotten a little sick, run-down and Thanksgiving was right around the corner. Jordan's mom and sister were here and they helped out SO much with the boys, but I was still so tired from not sleeping. We were up late the night before Thanksgiving getting everything prepped for Matthew's birthday on Thanksgiving Day. I wanted to make sure his bowling decoations were up and ready to greet him when he woke up.
Around 3 am Jordan's mom ran into our room and said an alarm was going off. We rolled out of bed and tried to go see what it was. It was 4 slow beeps and we had NO idea what it was. I have a horrible fear of fire so I was running outside to see if I could see smoke coming from the top of the house or anything. By this time BOTH alarms are going off and so I got on the phone with the fire station. About that time Jordan figured out it was carbon monoxide. He flipped out and he brought Noah to me (I was still in the garage searching for fire???!!) Jordan's Mom and Sister got the big boys and we all went and sat in the car while we waited for the fire department.
First off, some volunteer firemen arrived and then we all waited while more polilce and firetrucks (WITH sirens blaring at 3 am Thanksgiving morning) showed up at our house. The whole time I'm yelling at Jordan to PICK UP THE HOUSE! PICK UP! He didn't. So here we wait in the car while they check everything out. It took a while but they eventually came up with nothing at all. All their detectors said 0, so no carbon monoxide, thankfully!
Jordan took some pictures of us waiting in the car, but there's no way I'm sharing those. So, we finally got everyone inside, got the boys back down to sleep again, rolled into bed and just as we were shutting our eyes the alarms went off AGAIN!!! I just kept thinking how we're all going to die in our sleep and no one will know! By this point it's like 5 am. Jordan unhooked the alarms and we just said a prayer that there was no carbon monoxide and we went back to sleep for a bit.
To say that I am (was) sleep deprived is an understatement. We had to get up bright and early to get Matthew up for his big birthday and to start our Thanksgiving day as well. It was an adventure for sure.
Here's John Michael looking at all of the firetrucks! He was pretty excited! The worst part of all of this was that the house was a WRECK. With me being so tired and having company, there were dishes everywhere, loads of clean laundry everywhere and the house was a general mess. I was so embarrassed for all of those people to be roaming through my house in the middle of the night. At least we're all safe though! A few nights later the one last detector went off again and Jordan ran out around 5am to Walmart to get a new detector to make sure there wasn't any carbon monoxide. There wasn't. What a crazy series of events.
Here's the rest of our Thanksgiving in pictures! As always, we have so much to be thankful for.
Noah is almost sitting up by himself!
The only contribution I made was this super-yummy crock pot mac n cheese. It is SO good!
Jordan's mom slaved ALL day making our Thanksgiving. I was way too tired, so I took a nap with Noah!
Did we not have a wonderful meal?!
The boys played a new game on iPhones while we ate dinner!
And although Noah couldn't eat with us this year, he'll be eating Thanksgiving dinner with us next year and maybe we'll be in Alabama with our family!
I guess it's good that life is never boring, right?! I laughed out loud at the vision of you guys all scrambling to get out of the house and you yelling at Jordan to pick up--that is SO something I would do!! I totally relate to being embarrassed at total strangers going through my house in the middle of the night and it being a mess! Ha! I'm glad y'all were all safe, though. is funny looking back and reading it now, but that night...not so funny. It might not have been SO bad if they hadn't gone off again just as we were getting back to sleep . It was a week to remember anyway!! And what an exciting start to Matthew's 2nd birthday!! And Janna learned something she had always wondered about....if she would hear a smoke detector if she were asleep!! HA!
WOW...that is crazy, but so glad there was no carbon monoxide! That Noah is TOO precious!
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