I have so much stuff to blog about, but I'm so behind! I really want to make sure I get it all in, so I may just start from a few weeks ago and go from there!
So, the newest change around here was getting John Michael's new big boy booster seat. It was time. We let Noah have JM's old Britax and we got him a new booster to sit in. Noahs has been screaming bloody murder for forever in his Graco carseat, and honestly, I just couldn't take it any longer, so we made the move and Noah has been SO happy! He's not screaming that much anymore in the car, so it was worth it!
Plus, the smile on his face shows he really loves his new carseat!
Noah has been a delight as usual! He discovered his tongue last week and he's been chewing on his fingers ever since. We think he might be teething??! He would be our earliest teether yet!
Oh our third is just a precious delight!
We got a few great super hero costumes and the boys are really starting to love them!
What?! Don't everyone's children climb into dog kennels before bedtime?!
Jordan's family came into town, so I attempted a craft fair on Friday. I would never do that on my own with 3 right now, but with back-up it's possible!
It's interesting to be out and about with our triple stroller. We get a lot of looks. People are curious, ask questions, say somewhat rude things occasionally, and then ask if they're all mine! They sure are!
Here's Matthew looking especially serious at the craft fair!
And who doesn't like baking cookies when their grandmother comes to town? It was a fun visit, and we're always glad to have the help!
Also, the boys have been LOVING this Melissa & Doug cupcake set. It is the cutest thing. It comes with all kinds of cute cupcake decorating stuff and a little pot holder and pan. They have been doing all sorts of imaginative play with it!
We enjoyed every minute!!! The boys all seem to change and grow so much between every visit. The things JM says just crack me up and his prayers are SO sweet (and sometimes funny). Matthew's vocabulary has grown so much and so has he and getting cuter by the day!! And then Noah just blew us away with how much he had grown...and that sweet smiling face :) As usual, the time flew by. Love the pictures of Noah and JM in his Superman costume. Matthew looks like an adorable pound puppy in the kennel...haha!
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