Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day Jitters

Today was Matthew's first day of Mother's day Out and John Michael's first day of Preschool!  Jordan went with us and helped me get everyone out the door.  I can't figure out how I'm going to get us all there on time with a little one and two others to feed, clothe, brush teeth and hair and get shoes on, bags packed and loaded in the car!  It's a lot to do!

They were both excited to get back to school!  JM has a new bigger boy backpack and lunch box!

How cute are they?!  Oh my goodness I can't believe they're this big!

This is a picture of JM on his first day of school last year.  He still looks so little! He loved school so much and I know he's glad to be back.  He's going to learn so much this year.  They have special prayers to learn each month and they have to hang up their bags and pack their own nap maps up!

Here's Matthew and his new sweet teacher, Miss Steph.  Tonight he said "efff, efff" so we think he was talking about her!

John Michael hung up his bag and sat right down with some books and started reading.

This is a picture of Matthew last year on JM's first day of school.  He definitely looks little.  He was my little buddy on my mother's day out days and now......

This will be my little buddy for this year's mother's day out!

After we got home from dropping the big boys off, Noah and I played and played on the floor and had some tummy time together.  I then got him ready for a good nap and then started working on the house.  I cleaned, wiped counters, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, and organized laundry.  Those few hours were so wonderful because I got SO much done without any interruptions!

Because I recorded last year's first day of school remarks, I thought I would do it today so we don't forget!

About JM:

He ate a good lunch and didn't nap too well.

He saw Matthew on the playground.

He told us his teacher's name.

He colored a school bus green.

He told us he didn't know any of the friends in his new room!

About Matthew:

He ate a great lunch and also played on the playground.

He slept on a cot for the first time and took a great nap!

He said his teacher's name a few times tonight!


I know it's going to be a great year.  We have a TON of activities starting up and our weeks are going to be busy.  Hopefully it won't be too busy.



Jane (GaGa) said...

A blog full of sweetness!!! Loved all the pictures of their first day. It was a little sad that JM said that he didn't know any of the friends in his class. I know that he will make lots of new friends this year. I know that it takes a lot of effort on your part, but it is worth it for the boys to get the early education and socialization skills in these formative years. Just remember to get some rest yourself.