Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Busy Wednesday

We've had a really busy day today!  John Michael had an Easter egg hunt at his school today.  He was all prepared with his basket and eggs to share with his other friends.  I wish I could have seen him while he was gathering eggs with his friends, but I know he had a great time!  He wanted to make sure I remembered to put his basket in the car after school.

Matthew had a doctor's appointment this morning.  The look on his face afterwards says it all!  He was not excited about his shots, but he did great!

His little Elmo sticker made it all better!

I also finally got Jack a grooming appointment and he looks so great.  He's soft and fluffy and he knows he's all clean!  What a good fluff!

Happy Wednesday!

Verse O' the Day:

I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.”

Psalm 16:2


Jane (GaGa) said...

The expressions on both boys faces are priceless!! And Jack is looking as handsome as ever :) Can't wait for y'all to be here.

Dana Maxwell/Meme said...

what a face that little monkey Matthew can make - he's so funny!! and I love JM with the Easter basket - I've got one waiting here for him too!!