I'm still here, we're not dead!! I cannot believe I haven't put a blog post up in so long! Bad, bad blogger! But, it's not all my fault.....
My computer is broken and I'm randomly using an old computer of Jordan's. So, that means no photo uploading and not much blogging going on.
Plus, we've been busy taking a little trip down South to the "Happiest Place on Earth!" Any guesses?! And boy, do I have a ton of pictures to share from that!
We also had our ultrasound of sweet baby #3, but those pictures are ALSO on my laptop! Don't worry, we didn't find out what we were having, but it was so sweet to go and have a little look!
Hopefully Jordan will get the part ordered for my computer (Ahem, Jordan) and I can get my pictures off of it and start getting some blog posts up! Until then....
Let’s Go Antiquing!
5 hours ago
Lovely to hear from you!
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