It never ceases to amaze me how much you just fall deeper and deeper and deeper in love with your little ones on a daily basis. I feel so special that I am privy to these moments with them during the day.
Just silly, funny, sweet things that I try to tuck away in my brain and hope I can fish them out when I'm 80!
Like letting John Michael play in the rain and look at flowers....
And watching those sweet little toes in the fountain downtown!
Or just watching my 10 month old consistently tackle my two year old! He is SO strong!
So what is "Baby Dat-chew" up to at 10 months?
Baby Matthew is into just about everything! He is a busy little guy! He pretty much breaks things or I catch him about to be breaking or pulling something down. He loves to get into magazines and toilet paper, too!
I have been putting he and JM in the same size diaper to make things easier. Matthew will be wearing all of JM's clothes from last fall this year...when JM was 1 1/2. Matthew is only 10 months old though!
He weighed right under 25 pounds at the doctor last week when we went to get his ears checked for an ear infection. Note to self: he can NO LONGER have Augmentin. Ugh. It definitely makes him barf!
He is starting to stand for 10-15 second all on his own, even if he's holding a toy. He feels like a ton of bricks when you hold him. He is built so big and thick. He is a super-fast crawler too!
He ate Cheerios for the first time last week and he finally decided that he likes puffs, but only the generic kind!
He learned to clap one day after he turned 10 months old! JM learned to clap on the day he turned 10 months old.
Last Wednesday when he woke up he started waving at John Michael. It was so cute and sweet! He can now wave like a pro and usually JM waves back!
Matthew still has his super-sized chunk-ola thighs and most places we go people want to squeeze them! They are endearing!
I know I'm his mom, but he is just the sweetest thing. His smile always brightens our days. I have been so blessed to have two healthy boys that are the lights of our lives!
I heard this song on the radio the other day and it just made me think of my boys and how I will forever be grateful to the Lord for blessing us the way He has. It makes my heart want to sing! He has been doing so many small and big things in our lives lately. A few Sundays ago our preacher said that if God even did one good thing for you, it's more than we deserve and it's so true. I feel thankful God did two great things for Jordan and I by gifting us these two boys. I just hope we don't mess up!
"How Can I Keep From Singing" by Chris Tomlin
How can I keep from singing your praise
How can I ever say enough
How amazing is your love
How can I keep from shouting your name
I know I am loved by the king
and it makes my heart want to sing!
This was definitely a bright way to start out my day! I love you and the boys so much. You're such a great Mom to both of them, and of course an amazing Wife too! I love you all, and hope you have a good day.
Love you,
I know I'm their GaGa but.....I happen to think that they are the cutest, sweetest boys in the world!!! And I agree that this past year has flown by. God has abundantly blessed us all!!!
Those boys have such a wonderful mama in you :)
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