Here's John Michael looking at some buffalo!
And the evil ostrich. Those are everywhere!
Look, a baby zebra! He was very dusty and very cute.
I felt like I was in Texas with all these longhorn cattle blocking our way!
The camels loved to come up to our car. I think it's so cool to be so close to them!
And there's the rhino. He was pretty big! JM liked him too!
Now, when we got to the petting zoo part, John Michael really surprised us. He ran right in and went up to every animal there. He loved petting them and he even ran after some roosters, but they weren't very happy about that!
He really liked the roosters!
I pretty much stayed away from every animal there. I'm afraid of lots of animals, but I didn't want it to show because I wanted JM to really enjoy them, and he did! Matthew wanted to pet them too!
JM really enjoyed petting the donkey....
and the little cow (which I am also afraid of). He even loved petting the little baby camel!
If you'll remember from my last post about the safari, the baby lemur was JM's favorite animal there! Well, they had her out again that day. He was so happy! She really is very cute and quite sweet. He was so excited to get to pet her again.
So then the lady who works there put her on my arm. I have to admit, her little paws were so soft and felt like little bubbles on my arm. And yes, I am freaking out here.
She was a little interested in Matthew and he was sort of interested in her too. I'm starting to freak out more here....
And then my worst nightmare came true. Matthew opened his mouth and the lemur got a really good lick in his mouth. I was really, really freaking out then! I kept annoying Jordan all day about whether or not he thought the lemur had any exotic diseases and whether or not Matthew could have gotten them from it. I guess Matthew was OK, but he wasn't happy about it at all!
Both boys were really interested in petting the turtles. I think I got laughed at by another mom because I was right there with my hand sanitizer right after they touched them. Turtles are icky and I was prepared for the petting zoo with lots of hand sanitizer.
We had so much fun! I'm hoping to go back again in a few weeks!
AAAGH!!!!! Yuck! I am laughing so hard at the lemur licking Matthew--I would have reacted the same way. In fact, I probably wouldn't have been as cool as you are about it. Matthew will get a kick out of that picture when he's older!
I am loving the first picture of you & the monkey - I can tell it's freaking you out but you're trying to stay calm. I don't think I could have handled it!!!!!
Matthew got kissed by a monkey! We love that place!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness I would have FLIPPED out if I had a lemur on my arm!!! That picture of it licking Matthew is so funny!
now how much different is the lemur than Jackson licking all of you all of the time? huh?
I am so glad y'all went back and had such a great time!!!
JM is a grandson after my own heart - I would have wanted to pet all of the animals too, except maybe the ostrich and the longhorn cattle.
Papa and Meme need to move to the farm and set us up a little barnyard of small animals, and a miniature horse for JM, Matthew too.. Then maybe they would want to come and stay with us every summer!!! (bribery)
That was a fun day! We'll definitely have to go back again. It was really affordable too... I'm still surprised about how cheap it was for all of us to eat lunch at the concession stand.
JM loved the animals, and especially loved that we went in the "Jeep Truck". We WILL be there again soon!
Hope JM has a great day at school, and hope you and Matthew have a fun day! Love you!
so, so funny. We plan on going for Jackson's Birthday on the 1st. I'm with you - turtles are really icky!
The roosters were the worst. I can't stand birds. So the ostriches are also not on my list. It looks like you all had a great time again. JM can come over to my parents' house to catch a chicken and gather some eggs. Yuck!!! I am so out!!! There would have been a picture of me running from some of the animals.
What a fun day!!! Great pictures of all the animals...up close and personal!!! I'm glad that JM wasn't afraid to pet them all. I'm with Vonda though...the birds are the worst!! I've always been scared of birds for some strange reason. The "lemur lick" photo was sooo funny!!! And I agree with your mom that Jack has probably built up their immunities...haha! Thanks for sharing the day with us!
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