And of course we just had to have a Rick's Bakery cake!
We didn't really "tailgate" today. We just grabbed some sammiches and chips and I made some brownies. We ate once we got to our spot. Before we hopped on the bus to go to the stadium we changed diapers, packed the diaper bag, and packed everything back up. And yes, that's a Razorback chair, but Jordan won it, we didn't buy it!
Roll Tide! We didn't get to go to a game last year, so we were super-excited to go to this awesome SEC match-up!
Uncle Ray has an arm-FULL!
Once I put Matthew in his carrier he promptly fell asleep and stayed that way through a bus ride, a walk through 70,000 crazy fans, and waiting in a big line to get in our gate!
Our seats were pretty high up, but we didn't care!! We were just glad to be there and we were so excited to take JM to his second Alabama game! He loves football and he did really, really well today. I was so proud of both boys. They acted great and were entertained the whole time. Granted, we only stayed until after half time, but still, that's a long time for little kids!
John Michael just took everything in and watched the players and clapped and yelled "ROLL TIDE ROLL!"
Me and Matthew! He was so sweet today! I could just eat them up in their matching houndstooth outfits!
Snack time! Luckily I packed whales, juice, and graham crackers. Apparently, Matthew can eat graham crackers now!
Jordan and Matthew enjoying the day!
We had a great day. The biggest problem of the day was leaving with Mom and the boys after halftime. We got to the car and discovered that I didn't have the car keys. Yikes! Poor Jordan just went ahead and left the game and came on to bring us the car keys. We promptly got on the road and we made it to our house pretty quickly! What a fun day! We were so glad Alabama pulled out a win! Roll Tide!
The boys look precious in their houndstooth and they look equally adorable in their Bama jerseys!! JM had on his gameface and looked very serious about his football! So glad that it was a great family outing for all. Nat is replacing the Razorback chair though!! haha Thanks for all the game day pictures!!
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