We ate dinner there and had lemonade too. We saw all kinds of livestock. Unfortunately, my camera decided not to work when we first got there so I don't have pictures of that! Don't even get me started on my camera, it's a mess right now!
Jordan rode the carousel with John Michael. He had his pick of this or the ponies and he chose the carousel! Let me just say that it was SO expensive. We could have gone to Branson for what we paid that night. Ugh.
Matthew patiently waited while JM rode the carousel. He got some extra special attention from Gaga and Bop too!
All 4 of us, sweating like there was no tomorrow! Even though it was way hot, there was a really nice breeze so it felt nice the whole time we were there!
Now, what we did next was way fun and exciting! John Michael was tall enough to ride his very first real roller coaster. I'm usually against these things because they look like they could collapse at any minute, but he pointed it out and it's the one he wanted!
So I rode with him and I tucked him in nice and tight beside me. It was really fun and we went around quite a few times. He kept saying "weeeee" because all the people around us were yelling "weee!" He had a really good time on that roller coaster and it's something I won't ever forget. I was so glad I was able to ride with him for his very first big boy roller coaster ride! We would have let him ride it again, but we wanted to have some money when we left, so we didn't ride anymore!
Sweet Matthew riding in the wagon!
We saw some live music too.
It was so hot and the boys drank a lot of water while we were there!
We were so excited when the John Deere man told us John Michael could sit on the tractors. He loves tractors and diggers and anything farm-related! He was so excited!
Biiiiig tractor! E I E I O!
He could have driven that tractor all night!
And Matthew got to drive a little tractor too!
We had a really good time. We spent too much money, it was way hot, and it kind of smelled bad at times but it was really a fun memory to make with our family. Plus, we were glad Gaga and Bop got to come and make some memories with the boys too! I'm sure we'll go back next year!
Verse O' the Day:
The LORD of hosts has sworn: “As I have planned, so shall it be, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand.”
Isaiah 14:24
We had a great time and loved watching the excitement in the boys eyes as they took in the sights at the fair. And unless Alzhiemers sets in, these memories are something we will always treasure!
Don't you love the fair? yes we spent WAY TOO much money too! But, the girls are still talking about how much fun they had.
It was a great night with you and the boys (and Mom/Nat as well!). I have to admit, it took me a little bit to get past the financial aspect of it... sorry, that's what I get for teaching FPU lately! :-) But looking past the money, it was a very fun night and one that I will remember for a long time.
JM had so much fun with everything, even just looking at the cows and lambs. I could have done without the "Rocky Top Tennessee" song blaring from the stage, but other than that I had a great time!
Love you, and hope you have a great day!
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