After naptime I packed us all up and we headed to the park just to get out of the house and to kill some time before coming back home for dinner. Since it was an odd time to be at the new park, no one was there but us. This particular park is situated in the downtown area in the middle of some older homes. We love this park because it's new, but on this day it was just terrible to be there.
There was a man (and I use the term loosely) in the backyard of one of the houses that's adjacent to the park and he was on a complete and total rant. Excuse my language, but he was complete and total white trash. I have never in my life witnessed such a horrible, terrible display of complete verbal abuse to children. I sat in shock as I could hear him over the lawnmower that his wife was pushing, by the way, as he raged around their backyard screaming insults and curse words at the kids.
There were 4 children and I had to kind of look through some bushes and trees to see very much, but I could definitely hear him. Cuss words were flying; profanities at these children. I was in shock. Total shock. I stuck around the park for a while because I was just daring him to hit one of those kids and I would be on the phone to the police so fast it wouldn't even be funny. I do believe he hit one of their dogs while I was there.
Tears came to my eyes as I had to listen to this while my children played carelessly nearby. Oh how it wasn't fair. How could God let these crazed lunatics have 4 children and yet others have none? I don't get it. How could they treat their children this way when there are SO many couples who want children and would never treat them this way. I just have to be honest that this is something I just don't understand...I'm human!
After a while I had had all I could take of hearing this verbal garbage. It hurt my soul just being near enough to hear. I kept thinking, if he's doing this outside what is he doing to them inside? My heart still hurts for those kids and I keep praying for a hedge of protection over these children everyday from this crazed man.
I cried on the way home and as I kept looking at my boys I just couldn't figure out how anyone could do these things. I'm not perfect and I don't always keep my cool but this was just so off the charts. Even now, a few days later, I still feel so distressed over this. Those poor kids! I always wish there was something I could do.
So what do you do when your children decide to wake up super early and you feel like you've been run over with a truck and you're so sleepy you can hardly walk straight?
Well, if you're me you gather up all said children, all diaper changing supplies, grab the laptop (for games) and put on "dot dog" i.e. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and lol about in bed until you can fully wake up!
I don't know what was with me on this particular morning but I was just so exhausted I could hardly stand it. I like being all piled up in bed with them, though! It's always so fun plus it gave me some extra time to wake up!
Matthew must have seen something funny on the laptop!
I'd snuggle with these two cuties any day!
Verse O' the Day:
We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
That brought tears to my eyes just reading it! I will keep those children (and him) in my prayers too. I love the pictures of everyone piled up in bed with momma! Matthew looks like he is cracking up at something on the computer!! I guess he loves "dot dog" too!! They are just so precious!
Hi! I've read your blog for some time now but I don't think I've ever commented. First of all, that's too cute of your boys all piled up in the bed watching the laptop. I have a 17 month old and have been known to let her play around on the bed watching TV, reading books, watching Mickey on my cell phone, whatever, while I got a few more zzzz's in. Sometimes, you just got to do what you got to do! They are so cute!
Secondly, I just wanted to comment on your "rant". I teach special education and have been in the public education system in AL and MS for almost 10 years. My first year teaching was on the outskirts of Birmingham and my Dad literally had to send me to a counselor because I had no idea kids lived the way these kids did. My heart broke and I guess I've toughened up a bit since then, but it is so very sad to see how some children have to live. And what's even worse is that the child protective service agencies in both AL and MS are in a major overhaul becasue they are so crappy. So even when you can prove kids are being abused, they just keep being given back to their parents because CPS doesn't know what to do with them either. That's probably why this man was so bold outdoors treating his family that way. He probably has been reported before and nothing happens.
It really is sad to see and hear such. I'm glad you shared this because we all need to remember these situations in our daily prayers. I, too, often wish there was more I could do. But again, going back to that first year teaching, I had to learn that these kids had moms and dads, even if I didn't like the mom or dad and could not bring them all home with me.
That was pre-children stage for me, so I got more involved than I should have. Now, I do what I can to protect the children, but have realized hands are often tied.
I guess I'm saying all this to validate your feelings a little, and rant a little with you also. I'm sorry you had to witness that, but glad those children have someone praying over them now!!!!
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