If I had a nickel for everytime somebody back home told us, he is SO big, I'd be rich right about now! Yes, indeed, our gentle giant is off the charts in his growth. I couldn't care less! He's perfect, healthy and happy and round!
He weighed in at around 17.5 pounds and he was 26 inches long yesterday. That puts him around the 97% and 98% of weight and height! When we stand him up he comes up to John Michael's armpit! He was such a trooper for his shots, he only cried about 10 seconds. I was more upset than he was!
Don't worry about his red marks. He has really sensitive skin (exactly like his Dadddy's) and whenever we touch him or hold him or if he scratches himself he gets red marks on his skin. They fade away in about 5 minutes and it's no big deal. Jordan's skin is exatly like this.
I have noticed that even though I can put some 9 month clothes on him (they snap easier in the crotch...did I just say crotch on my blog?!) the 9 month clothes are a bit baggy in other areas. This leads me to believe that he might possibly be a really tall guy one day.
It dawned on me yesterday as I went about my day that I had not stopped to say a prayer of thanks to God for a wonderful doctor's check-up. How quickly we forget those families who struggle with having a baby or families with sick babies. Jordan and I are so blessed to have two healthy youngsters who are growing like weeds and thriving. I forget sometimes to thank God for the little things in life...like a healthy 2 month check up!
We opted out of going to playgroup today, even though I miss everybody like crazy! There is a really bad, evil stomach bug plowing its way through whole families in our area and especially in our church. I figured since we had been on a sort of stressful trip that our immune systems might be down and I DO NOT want to catch it. I hate, hate, hate the stomach bug and I freak out whenever I get it. Plus, Matthew won't take a bottle and I was worried that if I got dehydrated and sick that I might not be able to feed him and then we'd be stuck with a hungry baby. I know, I know, I'm thinking way too much into this. If you only knew how bad I had the stomach bug when I was pregnant with John Michael you would understand!
So, instead of playgroup we went to a big consignment event that is in our area about twice a year. I love this and I always look forward to going because I love a deal! I especially love getting deals on children's clothing because it either gets poopy, dirty, or they outgrow it so fast they only got to wear it twice!
Here are a few of my amazing bargains that I got today:
I was lucky to have Jordan's mom here with us (she traveled back from AL with us) so that she could help me balance all the clothes on the stroller and help keep John Michael happy with lots of goldfish and juice! It made digging through tons of clothes and toys much easier on me since I had Matthew in his Moby wrap!
Have a happy week. I've never been so happy to see sunshine as I was this morning. Bring on Spring!
Verse O' the Day: (Oh, don't we all just love this verse! I have to remind myself of it a lot because life can be overwhelming sometimes and it's easy to get anxious and worry your little head off!)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6
Hi! I came across your blog from Kelly's Korner and just wanted you to know how much I enjoy reading about your sweet, precious boys. I have two little guys about that age (26 months and 6 months) and it's so fun to see another family develop like ours has. Your boys are absolutely beautiful and thank you for the inspirational messages on all your blogs. God is so good!!!
we stayed home from Bible Study on Tuesday because of the stomach bug. It scares me too!!!
Wow, Matthew is a big healthy boy! Can't believe he's in 9 month clothes! Sounds like a future football player!!!
Missed you while you were gone, can't wait to catch up!
girl, if i had a nickel for everytime they said parker had alot of hair, i would be SUPER rich! and im totally disappointed in that consignment sale!!! leah and i went sat and i only found 3 or 4 things for #2 :( and nothing for parker! leah on the other hand, made out like a bandit! i guess maybe i shouldnt have waited til the 1/2 off sale.
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