I'm not sure what's going on with him. I'm not sure if it's the big crowd or if he's still adjusting to Matthew being around and having my attention. Either way, I'm exhausted when we get home! He's just so whiny and it's really hard to divide my time between the two!
Last week Tracy hosted all of us for a Valentine's Play Group and it was just too cute. She had everything just perfect and all the Valentine's decorations were precious. She even had each child a little apron monogrammed with their name on it. Too cute!
Each child got to decorate their own cupcake. After Matthew finally fell asleep and JM stopped whining, we decorated our cupcake with all kinds of red, sprinkly goodies!
JM and his good ole pal Braxton decorated theirs together. They're so cute!
John Michael enjoyed his. Yum!
I SO love this idea. Tracy put little heart candies in the bottom of her drink dispenser. I'm totally going to steal that idea one day!
Here's some of the kiddos decorating their cupcakes!
And here's our little man all ready for bedtime. I could just eat him up in his stretchy blue footed sleeper. Little boys in footed sleepers are just too precious!
Sunday we ventured to church...late as usual. We parked so far away and there were NO seats anywhere. We went up to the balcony and we had to ask a man to move over so I could sit on the end with Matthew's carrier. I hope our lateness gets better from here on out, but I doubt it.
The nursing room at church was locked so 3 of us from Sunday School were told to go to the Bride's room right off the sanctury. It was nice to have some quite time with two sweet friends while we all fed our babies the old-fashioned way! It took me forever to feed Matthew, change him and then talk a little bit and then head to Sunday School. I thought I had missed the whole thing! Luckily, Matthew fell asleep on Jordan a little bit after we got there!
John Michael wore his snowman smocked romper to church in honor of all the snow we're having today!
And now that he's getting older he carries his little backpack to church!
Sunday night was a bit of a mess for me. I spent most of the afternoon baking. I made a homemade chocolate pie with meringue and everything! I also made sausage balls to take to our Sunday School class Super Bowl party.
Both boys slept kind of late into the afternoon so we were in a mad dash to get out of here to get there on time. What happened next almost made me cry. As Jordan put the pedal to the metal to get us out of the garage and down the driveway, a book that was on the dashboard literally flew across the dash and straight into my lap where I was holding my warm chocolate pie.
There sat the book on top of the pie...meringue everywhere and a big hole in the pie. Both babies are screaming by now and Jordan and I weren't too nice to each other at this point, I have to admit. I took the pie anyway and just explained what happened and told everyone not to eat the part with a hole in it! It was good anyway, but it sure was a mess. Everything seems to happen when you're in a hurry.
All the wome had a great time talking and talking and talking some more during the Super Bowl. I don't think we ever looked over at the TV once! We have such a wonderful Sunday School class and they have meant the world to us since we moved up here.
Verse O' the Day:
But whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him.
1 John 2:5
I'm sorry....but I couldn't help but laugh when I read the pie fiasco in the car...haha. I know it wasn't funny at them time though. I know how much work you put into making it and wanting it to look nice. The same thing happened to me once. I made a nice hot homemade banana pudding with meringue to carry to a party. I had it sitting in the floor of the car and a motorcycle pulled out right in front of me on the way there. I slammed on the brakes and the banana pudding went flying across the floorboard...meringue and pudding everywhere. I feel your pain. Glad y'all had a nice time though and I'm sure the pie was still ever so yummy!
Oh...and JM looks so cute (so grown up) carrying his little backpack. And I never tire of seeing pictures of Matthew with that sweet smile on his face :)
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