I swore that it would never happen again...I swore that with the second baby I had all the information and knowledge to prevent it from happening AGAIN. What am I talking about? Mastitis. Yuck.
It happened when John Michael was two weeks old and it struck again last night. I was literally sick as a dog the first time, talk about the worse flu you have ever had. So, when I started feeling chills, fever and noticed a red, hard lump I thought OH NO...not again! Matthew slept for 5 1/2 hours the night before so I think that's what got this started.
Needless to say, I had to go to the ER last night because my Dr would not call in antibiotics over the phone without looking at it. I nursed Matthew right before I left and prayed and prayed that they could see me very quickly because Jordan's Mom was staying at home with a purely breastfed baby who was bound to get hungry soon. A mama and her breastfed baby are not soon parted, you know.
God must have been watching over us because we were in and out of the ER within an hour! I explained what was going on and told them it would literally take 3 minutes to look at it and then write the prescription, PLUS I had a tiny baby at home that I had to get back to quickly so that he could eat!
Basically, I am not nearly as sick as last time and I am so thankful for that. I am also thankful that Jordan's mom and sister happened to drive in yesterday so that they can help take care of JM while Jordan helps take care of me and baby Matthew. I am now bed-bound for the day and I have to take it easy and rest for at least another day. It's so hard to do around the holidays!
Speaking of my loving husband, I am so thankful for paternity leave. He has been home a good bit and I am so thankful for all of his help. He and JM have been reading lots of books and going on father/son outings.
John Michael loves to read books!
But he also is having his share of adjustment issues!
And just for fun, I have a few random pictures from the past week or so. Mimi and Papa were in town and we had a great time! We went out to eat and took pictures by the giant Christmas tree at a local outdoor shopping mall.
Matthew has been enjoying the swing, but he doesn't like it to be on!
And he's also been enjoying some tunny time on the floor!
Verse O the Day:
In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
Romans 8:26
Bless your sweet heart...fortunately I only had mastitis once, after nursing 3 kids for over a year each. But believe me, once was more than enough. I know exactly what you are talking about. I had to call my mom to drive up to help me take care of the kids....I was so delirious from the fever and chills and such that I was scared I would drop the baby!!
What a blessing to have Jordan home with you right now....sorry that you're under the weather, but glad for the superb help! Y'all have a blessed Christmas season!
"HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY" my beautiful daughter!!!
Can't believe it has been 20 something years since you were born.
Time flies too fast and I wished you were little again!
But I love the young woman you have become and enjoy seeing you live your married life and bring 2 babies into the world. What a wonderful wife and mother you are. I am very proud of you and hope you have a wonderful day!
We miss you today and wished we could be there (or you here) to help celebrate your birth!
Happy B-day to you today!!! It is just too bad if the guys don't like for the ladies to talk about nursing. We talk about what we spend our time doing. And for me the last 7 1/2 months it has been nursing.
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