Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vacuum Boy!

We have been busy around here!  My in-laws were in town and we got a lot of things done.  They started painting the nursery and cleaned our carpets.  We are so thankful to have family come help us since I've suddenly become totally exhausted.  We're next looking forward to Uncle Judd and Meme's visit in a few weeks!

The third trimester has hit me hard and a lot of the first trimester symptoms, like not being hungry and being nauseous have come back. Ugh.  It's OK though, it's not much longer and it's all worth it for a healthy baby!

Anyway,  I love the vacuum steamer that my in-laws brought.  I'm so happy that they left it here for a while.  I've got big plans for my couches!

If you read my blog you know that John Michael loves things with wheels and he loves cars and trucks.  This child was in heaven when he saw the steam cleaner sitting out in the garage....

He fell in love with the cleaning attachments and he basically just loved it.

He loved it so much that he walked right along beside the steam cleaner the whole time Jane cleaned the den.  I guess he thought it was really interesting and it made him pretty darn happy!  We even let him push it a little bit!

Grams left him alone with it for just a minute and when she came back he had crawled into the vacuum and was sitting in the spot where the water collection tank goes!  He probably would have sat in there all day.  It was his own personal race car!

Also, we went to Sam's one afternoon and we let John Michael eat his lunch sitting in his own seat at the table.  Usually, we sit him in our lap to eat at Sam's, but that day he was a big boy in his own seat!  Well, for dinner that night when we called him to come eat he ran right up to a kitchen chair and crawled in...ready to eat.  I think he has decided he is through with the high chair!

Here he is deciding to eat at a regular kitchen chair!  And yes, that's Jack right in between his legs trying to get at whatever food he can find.  It's a whole new experience for Jack, too, because now he has more access to food.  I think we may have to start putting Jack in his crate while we eat!

So, now, we have a brand new big boy seat at our kitchen table.  It looks so weird to see our little baby sitting between us at dinner in a real chair.  Time is just marching on...

Apparently I have no disc space left to upload new pictures on the computer.  As soon as Jordan transfers some pictures to our other hard drive I can upload more pictures and finally start posting more regularly!

We have a super busy week, and as long as I can make it to Saturday I'll be doing great!

Verse O' the Day:

Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You.

Jeremiah 32:17



Jane (Gran/Grams) said...

I still laugh hysterically when I think about him climbing into the steam vac for a ride...hahaha. We enjoyed our visit sooo always. JM is such a joy and we can never get enough of him :) I hope the rest of your week goes well. Just try not to overdo.

Julie said...

I feel your pain with the third trimester. In some ways I feel better than I have in a long time, but today, I gagged on my lunch and had to throw the whole thing away. And I almost threw up this morning brushing my teeth--I just thought those days were gone!

That's funny how JM decided he's done with the high chair--just in time! You'll be needing it for the little one before long. He's looking so big these days!

Dana/Meme said...

That Jack!!! He is such a mess. He is going to sneak that food whatever and however it takes. I think JM has a part in this too!
Hope play group goes well tomorrow - take it easy and don't overdo. Just enjoy everyone being in your home.
Loved the pictures of JM in the steam cleaning machine and with his new booster seat - he is getting big!
Love to all

kimberly t. bowling said...

Mary Avery....JM looks SO good in that green and navy polo. He is growing up, and looking more and more like a little boy so much now. I love the vacuum pics...he really was engrossed with that contraption all the way! Fun memories!

Hope you are resting as much as you can with a toddler! :)