Jordan even got to come by and see us for a little bit during his lunch! That's always a plus to get to see him during the day!
As usual, on Saturday we went downtown to the Farmer's Market. We don't have too many Saturdays left until it's over, so we're taking advantage of the last few that we have left. Good bye Summer, Hello Fall!
Here's JM watching a little band that was set up around the square. He's always interested in music!
We had to tickle his legs to get him to smile for this picture! He got mistaken for a girl THREE times that morning. Eh! That hasn't happened in a while!
We had to splurge and get him a balloon elephant since it was gameday! It's a very cute elephant!
We came home with 1 eggplant, of which I made eggplant parmasean tonight. Jordan liked it but I'm not sure I loved it. I've never made it homemade before. I don't think I've ever made anything that Jordan would turn down. Maybe he's just being nice....
After the Farmer's Market we went to the hospital to visit some friends who had a baby on Friday. They're big Alabama fans like us, so I got a cute pair of baby booties with blue elephants on them! Unfortunately, their baby had some breathing problems so he was in the NICU and we couldn't see him. We just dropped by to lend some support and say hi! I'm glad to report that the baby is doing better and should be going home in a few days!
Here's JM by the nursery window. He was one of those little babies wrapped like a burrito in a bassinet over a year ago and I just can't believe that in a few months he'll be looking through that window wearing his Big Brother t-shirt and staring at his new baby brother or sister.
How exciting and weird, at the same time!
At the hospital, they have this fun, interactive wall for kids to play with. We let JM play with it for a few minutes and he really liked it. Hopefully he'll play with it and be entertained while he's there visiting me in a few months!
Sunday was our day to help out in the nursery and wow, we were tired afterwards! It's a lot of work, but fun. It's neat to see JM playing with things and checking out different surroundings.
It was so weird to see him sitting at a big boy table eating snack. He's always in his high chair, so I thought that it was just too cute that he could sit in a tiny chair and eat his little snack!
And here he is, munching on a Little Einsteins character while he patiently waits for me to fix lunch! What a weekend, but it sure was usual!
Verse O' the Day:
Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10
I"m glad to hear your friends' baby is doing better!
So funny that JM gets called a girl and Harper gets called a boy. ANY TIME she isn't wearing a boy she is called a boy. So by golly - those bows are staying on her head! ha!
We went to the Farmers market on Saturday too. Braxton really enjoyed the live music and watching the water. We got him a balloon elephant too but his was yellow. He pulled on that elephant so much it just looked like a snake before the end of the day!
The red balloon elephant is awesome! I think I saw that same interactive wall on The Duggars.
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