Not too much has been going on with us lately. We're getting back into our routine of not having John Michael spoiled by grandparents being around him for weeks in a row! I think he's doing just fine!
Lately I still haven't been wanting to eat lunch or dinner or both. Some days I'll feel like lunch and just cereal for dinner. I can always eat a BIG breakfast, and I usually do! I'm not nauseated or anything, it's just that not a lot sounds good. Unfortunately, I could always eat something sweet like an oatmeal cream pie for instance. Eh, not good!
Lately, John Michael has been copying most everything we do. If Daddy wipes his hands together after dinner, JM does too. He can mimic "thank you" and he learned to say "ne-na" for Aunt Janna and he also learned "uh-oh!"
Lately we had a quick visit with Grams and Aunt Janna when they brought us back home from our little staycation in Alabama! Here's JM and Grams doing his favorite activity: looking online for Little Einsteins videos!
Lately I have had to rethink my priorities about nursery #2. My fabric that I picked out can no longer be found. So frustrating! I had already tested a spot of yellow and picked out the fabrics and paint! I can't find anything else that I like that's gender-neutral. I'm probably going to be using John Michael's sage green toille and either add pink for a girl or khaki and white for a boy.
We're currently working on John Michael's new big-boy bedroom so I'll be ditching the toille just in time to re-use it for baby #2!
I'm just in love with this jungle fabric! Oh well.
Lately we've been to the park since it was, oh 75 degrees outside! Of course John Michael wanted to play with his stroller instead of playing at the park! Ever notice how little boys love anything with wheels that they can push?!
Lately John Michael has been very into books, which I am thrilled about! For the longest time I was so afraid he hated books because he would never let us read to him or if we started we would only get one page in! I'm so happy he brings me books all day long.
Lately he comes around the corner from his room holding out his book and he wants to sit in my lap and read it. I love it! We go through this quite a few times a day! Notice his Alabama book! It's one of his favorites and we're making sure of it!
"Mama, read my book!"
Lately, John Michael likes to help us outside with the garden. By help, I mean he sits in his little red car and pretends to drive because naturally, he loves the wheel and horn!
He also discovered the hose pipe and he loves to turn the faucet...because it's round. Are you catching on yet?!
Lately we headed to the Farmer's Market and John Michael got to watch a banjo player and he also found a young guitar player that he loved! We left him put a dollar bill in his guitar case because he loved to listen to him!
We also shared a shaved ice and John Michael really liked it! He appears to like anything sweet!
We also watched a juggler and John Michael was very interested in him. He actually sat and watched him for quite a while!
I hope y'all have a great week. I'm trying to figure out some fun things for us to do this week. Hopefully I can come up with stuff!
Verse O' the Day:
Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions.
Mark 11:25
John Michael is absorbing and learning so much lately. Aunt Janna was thrilled that he was calling her name and would always grin at her. I am also thrilled with JM's love for books. Nothing like having a bundle of love sitting in your lap while you read them a book. We enjoyed our time there and also loved having you home for a couple of weeks. Missing everyone so much. Glad you had a great weekend. Hopefully food will start sounding better soon. Take care and rest.
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