Now, I do have one leftover swimsuit from the last pregnancy and it's not that bad. It's actually kinda cute, but here's the problem: In the beginning you're not really showing that much yet and you just look like you ate a ginormous sandwich and the maternity suits are kind of just hanging on you. My regular swimsuits are just not really cutting it.
Because we do have the rest of June, July, and August to go swim at our pool I'm going to be dealing with this almost daily. Sigh. I'm really not the only one wearing maternity swimwear this summer I know, but I did want to throw something at that lady at the pool the other day who was tanned, incredibly toned, and had cute hair all while wearing her two piece and nursing her 4 week old. Life is just not fair sometimes!
Happy Weekend, everyone! Our big trip today will be to Lowe's to pick out lights for our recessed lights and start looking at paint colors for John Michael's big boy bedroom transformation and possibly the baby's room!
I have been a bad mom and not really taken any pictures this week. We even went to Jessica and Wayman's for a yummy dinner last night and didn't take any pictures! I'll leave you with a few pictures from a few Sundays ago. John Michael is just so cute in these pictures. Some days I can't believe he's actually mine! JM is wearing his smocked Summertime Turtle outfit thanks to Grandmother!!
[caption id="attachment_968" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="Such a big boy in his forward-facing carseat!"]
And, I guess I could include a few more pictures! This is JM with his new BFF, Mickey Mouse, and that is a Mickey train in the background!
And here's JM on Memorial Day at a local garden center. It was rainy and we were SOO bored so we just headed there and looked at all the plants and let JM play in the fountains!
Verse O' the Day:
I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul will make its boast in the LORD.
Psalm 34:1-2
Psalm 34:1-2
Oh my - I guess I'm glad I had Harper in January so I kind of avoided maternity swimsuits. But if we have another one.........
I want to know who is wearing a 2 piece after having a month old baby???? How is that possible???
JM gets cuter all the time - you always have him in precious outfits!
I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!! We are going to the lake next weekend with all my cute skinny college friends, and I am not ABOUT to be left on the boat while everyone else is tubing and swimming and having fun. old swimsuits (bikinis...) are NOT going to see the light of day for a very long time. I broke down and bought a cute one at Motherhood, but it's not so cute right now, if it ever will be. It pretty much hangs on me. But I'll wear it proudly and work on my tan, I guess...
I did not partake of the maternity swimwear due to the time of year Wells was born. However, he loves swimming this summer and I have made a vow to go once a week. I do not enjoy any swimsuit. Pregnant or not. Are we too young for the swimdress?
I've been thinking about the same thing. Unfortunately, my swim time this summer might only consist of one or two outings since I have to work, so I'll probably just rock the belly in the two piece I have. We'll see. Just be glad you have all that time to go to the pool. My legs are so ghostly white people keep asking me if I'm wearing tights. :( haha
Hey girls, whatever happens to your figures, bodies, swimsuits, etc., wear it or accept it as a PROUD BADGE of MOTHERHOOD!!!
You can work on your bodies AFTER you are not going to have any more children! Don't let these issues keep you from having FUN this summer with your precious little ones and cargoes!!!!!!
Love to all!
You will be beautiful no matter what you are wearing! Both Janna and Jordan were born in the summer and I can remember how good it felt to get in the cool water with my swollen ankles and just float around. Just enjoy spending time at the pool with JM!!!
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