As I made my way through the closet I found some of the neatest things. I found my AGD Bid-Day cup! How fun! I feel so old. I started college in 2001. TIme is flying by too quickly!
I also found my practice bouquet from our rehearsal for the wedding:
As I sat flipping through an old calendar from 1999 I found this:
Right there in the middle of "Research paper due, Beta Club, National Honor Society Induction, Key Club Meeting, and LSU: Go to Tuscaloosa" sits mine and Jordan's history. If you can't see the picture clearly it says: Mary and Jordan 2 Months!! I had to chuckle at this as I sat in my old childhood closet going through mounds of stuff. I laughed at first because I knew that one month later we broke up, but the more I looked at it I became more sentimental about it. I think it is unique (especially nowadays) to marry your high school sweetheart. It just really took me back to a different day when we were still so young. We had no mortgage, no baby, no car payments or jobs to worry about. The most important thing we had going was high school stuff and thinking about what movie we would go see together on Saturday night. Ah, the good old days. As I sat there pondering all of these things with so much going through my head about the almost 10 years we've been together and all the roads we've been down, our precious, precious baby boy woke up from his nap in my old childhood bedroom in the crib used by myself and my brothers and then life became a little more real as I left my piles of "keep" "maybe keep" or "salvation army" and went and looked into those baby blue eyes and I got a little teary-eyed at our very own miracle. Yep, I'm so glad that my very best friend totally betrayed my trust and told Jordan that I liked him oh so many years ago. The End.
Verse O' the Day:
For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.
James 2:26
Aw that is so neat. It's fun to look through old stuff!
If it makes you feel younger - I started college exactly Yikes!
That should have said.........exactly TEN years before you.
I enjoyed the trip down your memory lane! And I also am glad that your friend betrayed your trust! Without the special love that you have for each other.....there would be no John Michael ! And I can't imagine Jordan's life or ours....without either of you. These past few weeks have been so special to us. It seems so strange tonight to be sitting here watching tv, instead of being entertained by a giggling, dancing, precious little boy. We miss you all....including Jackson.
Grams and Gamps
Loved reading the memoirs! I go to you room sometimes and just look around: the things still tacked to the walls, pictures, momentos of trips, friends, Honor Societies, Alpha Gam, etc. Then I go into your closet, and I think, wow, what a mess. And I know part of it is my fault. I have stored out of season clothes there, and clothes in several different sizes as my weight has gone up and down greatly the last number of years.
I cannot bear to part with many things, as is evidenced by our closets and attics. I just feel that one day , as you did when you were home, someone may want to take a "trip down memory lane" and the things will be there. Those "things" are just things, but they sure do spark long gone memories of parts of your life that have been filed back into the deep recesses of your mind.
Like Jane said, I am so glad "you know who you are" told Jordan you liked him and the rest is history. I know that God planned for you two to be together and write your own history, which includes precious JM and his adorable, loving personality. What more could we ask for?
Great article!! Love to all.
Love the memories. You and Jordan do have a really great story.
I know how you feel....i mean, minus the baby!
Me and mom cleaned out my room a couple of years ago and I found a bunch of old high school notes and pictures clay had drawn me and all kinds of stuff. I remember when my life completely revolved around going to the movies with clay and what concert we would go see next - now we have a mortgage and dogs and car payments and BLAH!
Hey baby! I FINALLY got a chance to catch up on your blog, and read this post. What great memories we have, all the way back to high school. Those were great times with little else going on except each other.... and now times are still great and fun, but in a much different kind of way. Now we've got JM and Jack, a house, work, bills, etc. We still have fun together, but there's a lot more responsibility than there was back then. WIsh times could stay that simple sometimes, but then again we wouldn't have some of the great memories we've had the past few years (especially JM!!).
Love you baby, and hope you have a great week. Just a few more months until the 10-year rolls around. Disney here we come! :-)
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