I finally joined the "
Not Me Monday" carnival over at MckMama's blog,
www.mycharmingkids.net . It's one of my favorite blogs that I read faithfully and I'm so envious of MckMama's photography skills! I have always read
Not Me Monday, but never joined in! This week I decided to give it a shot! Head over to MckMama's blog after reading mine to check out what tons of other good mama's
did not do this week!
This week,
I DID NOT:-Catch myself playfully calling John Michael "Juan Miguel" or "J Mike" on several occasions. That would be just plain weird of me and it is definitely NOT my child's name!
-Hurt myself on more than one occasion playing our new Wii. I did not hurt my arm and back and have to take it easy on Sunday to rest it. I AM in the best shape of my life!
-Find myself on our last diaper and spent much of Sunday afternoon hoping I wouldn't have to fandangle a diaper out of a burpcloth before we could make it to Wal-Mart after church.
-Catch myself being concerned about why my baby has decided to take 3 hour naps in the morning. I did not nearly slap my own face as I remembered how he never slept through the night and only took 2 30-minute naps a day just last month!
AND, I most certainly
DID NOT start on a load of laundry that
has not been sitting in one specific corner of our bedroom from this (ouch) ummm....summer. I would
never leave clean laundry sitting in one place for so long. I am
not a horrible housewife!
I'm not so sure I feel more free, but at least my life is funny.
I'll leave you with one picture of our little guy from this weekend! He was channeling Bob Vila with his Fisher Price hammer and plaid dress shirt and carpenter pants!

Verse O' the Day:
If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:
I have one room in my house that almost always has clean laundry folded in it. I don't mind doing the laundry, but I do not like putting it away for some reason. Same with the dishes.
Happy Monday!
That's a really cute pic of JM! I just love the Juan Miguel comment. You are too funny.
Hey, I don't even have kids and I rarely do laundry. I just hate it. I don't mind putting it in the washer and then the dryer, but then I'll just shove the clean pile on top of the dryer and throw in another load. We're always living out of and off the top of the dryer. If something is too wrinkled to wear, just toss it back in for 10 minutes!
Juan Miguel, huh? Put a little sombrero on him and draw a little thin mustache on him and that name would totally fit.
Maybe JM will take after his great grandfather Farmer and be a Civil Engineer and builder!! He looks so cute sans Bob Villa!
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