Thursday, November 13, 2008

So Proud

So, last night was all about Jordan.  We joined him at the Home Office for his graduation from the Dale Carnegie class on leadership, public speaking, etc.  It was a 12 week class and it last from 5pm-10p, every Wednesday.  It's quite a sacrifice from family time, not only for our family, but there were several people in the class with small children, also.  It lasted forever, but John Michael did very well. He was very, very smiley and cooey yesterday and he carried that over to last night.  He smiled at everyone and played so well and was hardly a disruption as people gave their "graduation" speeches and got their certificates.  I would never be able to take this class.  I would throw up at having to get up in front of people and speak and act things out.  Not my thing.  Most everyone with Wal-Mart has taken the class.  It's like a rite of passage.

Jordan giving his speech.
Jordan giving his speech.

Receiving Jordan's certificate.

There was a potluck dinner inbetween sessions and I brought little cheesecake squares with caramel, peacans, and chocolate drizzled over the top and brownies with a peanut butter topping topped with chocolate.  I wasn't a huge fan of the brownies, but the cheesecake was good and I got a lot of compliments on it!

We are so proud of Jordan and all what he has accomplished through work.  He is such a hard worker, wonderful husband, and great father. He was just a natural at knowing exactly what to do with John Michael.  I knew what I was doing when I picked this one out of all the high school boys!  If your'e reading this today at work, Jordan, I'm so proud of what a hard worker you are and all that you do not only at work, but when you get home!  Thanks for unloading the dishwasher last night when I was too tired!
Ahhh...I love our wedding pictures.  One of my fav.
Ahhh...I love our wedding pictures. One of my fav.

Well, this afternoon we have family portraits in the fall leaves!  Yay!  They were supposed to be tomorrow but the weather may not be great, so I got the dog groomed real fast yesterday and picked out everyone's outfits, wahsed them, and ironed them and hopefully we'll look fab-a-luss this afternoon!  Wish us lots of smiles for JM and no ADHD for the dog!
What a cutie!
What a cutie!


Kelly Stamps said...

I don't think I could do the Dale Carnegie thing either. Public speaking is not my thing.
Hope the pictures go well tonight - will you give us a sneak peek?

Jane (Gran/Grams or whatever) said...

I am also "so proud" of my son and his accomplishments at work and throughout his life. He is the son that every mother dreams of having. But behind every good man there is a good woman....and you are such a great wife, mother, and daughter-in-law. I thank you both for creating the most precious gift from God ...John Michael. I can't wait to see the pictures. I'm glad that Jackson was on his best behavior!!!