Thursday, May 8, 2014

October Randomness

So, later in October we decided to transfer Noah out of his crib and into the boys' bedroom.  I was pretty nervous about having all 3 of them in 1 room!    We got ready for our first night and Noah was very excited to be with his brothers!  (And is that a throw up bucket by the bed?  It probably is?  Just keeping it real!)

I won't say this as been a bed of roses...there are days/nights that it's very hard to have 3 in 1 room, but they just love it.  They will talk (usually a ton) as they go to sleep and it's just really sweet.  I wouldn't trade it for anything!

We still were working hard for our homeschool days and Matthew usually jumps in to do some work too.

Matthew had a fall fest at his preschool that was fun.....

And we got ready for Halloween by carving a pumpkin!
All 3 boys wanted to be Big Al, so I was happy to let them!  They looked so cute!



We took a few trail walks and enjoyed the few warm days left and I'm glad we did because our winter was a complete nightmare!