We were lucky to have my grandparents and my mom drive up for John Michael's birthday. I was glad they could come and celebrate his birthday and make some fun memories! They stayed for a few days and cooked and cleaned a bit while they were here. Mostly, they just cooked and I didn't complain one bit!!!
While they were here we had a traditional Sunday Dinner. I've missed Sunday dinner so bad since we've lived out here. Sunday afternoons still seem strange without family around. I was so happy to have a nice Sunday dinner around our dinner table with 4 generations gathered!

For John Michael's actual birthday day we were stuck at home with Matthew and Noah being sick, so we couldn't really go anywhere. I made monkey bread for my birthday boy and he woke up to balloons hanging all around his bed.

Since we had sick ones at our house, we just watched movies all day for his birthday! Not a bad birthday!

I made John Michael a yellow cake with chocolate icing!

After Jordan came home we had dinner, ate cake, and opened presents!

The boys are blessed to have family send them gifts all the way from Alabama!

His big, main gift was a new, blue 2 seater Jeep!

They love riding in it, although it is taking some teaching to show them how to actually steer it and not constantly run it into the curb.

Overall, it was a great few days of celebrating John Michael turning 4. I know I say it all the time, but I still can't believe that he is growing so fast and how time is literally falling through my hands like sand. It seems like yesterday that he was my only little guy and we spent so much time together reading, rocking, doing puzzles, and running errands around town together. Now, things have changed; more babies have joined our family and there seems to be less and less of me to go around. At the end of the day I hope that John Micahael feels loved and happy.
Now that he's 4:
As he turns 4 I notice so much more how he waves to people and says Hi and he prays for his friends at bedtime.
He has a kind heart and I love him for his sweetness and gentle way. He is so close to learning how to read. He knows what each letter says and I'm hoping he can read by the end of the summer.
JM is having a hard time with writing skills and we're working really hard on that right now, so I'm also hoping he'll be doing some of that by the end of the summer.
He's just now learned how to pedal his tricycle. It's taking some working but he's getting it and he's proud of himself!
JM is around 39 pounds and is in a size 10 shoe and can wear up to a 5T shirt and 3T shorts this spring.
He loves to go to gymnastics class and he really loved church choir this year. He loves to sing and he can sing pretty well. I'm so happy that his favorite songs are Bible songs.
I hope as he keeps growing that he keeps an open, tender heart toward the Lord. I hope I can be the mom I need to be to help him do everything he needs to do to get ready for school and all of those things like sports and other activities. Mainly though, we just pray that he learns to love and trust GOD with his life! We know everything else will fall into place if we put our trust and hope in Christ!
Happy 4th Birthday John Michael. We love you so much, sweet boy! What a joy and a blessing you have been to us these past 4 years. You changed our lives and we will never be the same!