All 3 boys had on cute Alabama shirts last weekend when Alabama played Arkansas in basketball. We couldn't get Matthew to get anywhere NEAR the camera for a picture! We tried, but he just wasn't having it.
I wanted a picture with all 3 boys all loving on each other and looking happy. That didn't happen. Either way, they both really love Noah so much. It's been very sweet to see them love on him, rub his head, and talk to him and make him laugh. Just this morning, John Michael said, whoah, he's getting SOO big! Usually he says, "Oh, isn't he SOOO cute?!"
When I picked the boys up from school this afternoon they both immediately wanted Noah and when I went to Matthew's room to pick him up, he immediately said "whoah-wah" and wanted Noah!
They love their baby brother so much! I took all 3 boys to look at a mattress for JM and he told the salesman, "This is my baby brother, Noah!" It makes me smile! I'm so glad they like him, love on him with hugs and kisses (usually that's the case, we do have to watch Matthew because sometimes he likes to sort of push Noah over when he's in a sitting position!) and pet his head.
We know they'll always be brothers, but we hope they'll always be friends!

Matthew is being a bit shy lately! Especially with the camera. That's all right though because he's talking up a storm lately. He repeats every single thing that JM says! It's so fun to see their vocabulary grow around this age!

Mainly this post was just to write down a few fun things about the boys so I wouldn't forget.
-When Jordan was washing everyone's hair during bathtime the other night, JM said "Whoah, my hair was really thirsty!"
-He has declared he wants to be a baby doctor and help babies one day. He calls himself 1 of 2 names: Dr. Coco or Dr. John Michael.
-JM started church choir 2 weeks ago and he is really enjoying it. He can sing quite well (I think at least?!) and can usually hit notes right on tune. Lately, he just walks around and makes up songs about things he sees or does during the day. It makes me laugh when he does it!
-JM also started a boys gymnastics class on Thursdays and it is so cool! They do some really fun stuff and he really likes it!
-I had a really proud moment with John Michael last Sunday as I was presented with an opportunity to start truly sharing about Jesus, what he's about, how he comes to live in your heart, and explaining (a bit) about Heaven. I thank God I can be here during the day to plant those small seeds and cultivate knowledge, as well as a passion hopefully, for the Lord. We've had a few of those fun, random moments and it makes my heart happy!
-Strong, mad sports skills, but still likes some snuggle time at nap and bedtime. He is definitely NOT our singer, but we sing Jesus Loves Me and he likes to finish up the verse with "the Bible tells me SOAP!"
-As usual, Matthew attemps to make a game out of most things in life....he loves to get anything and make it into a golf club or a baseball bat. This pretty much happens all day long at our house. He's a very coordinated little guy and can hit balls and catch them with ease.
-He can easily say 5 word sentences and misses his Bubba when he's away from him.
Goodness, they're all so sweet! We have our moments of icky behavior and issues with them not minding us completely when we ask, but they really are such good, sweet little boys! I'm blessed for sure. I'll do a Noah update soon! He's doing so many things lately!