Matthew, today is your birthday! I feel so badly because I know you're always going to have to share your birthday with a Thanksgiving holiday, but when we had you we knew we were the most thankful family ever because you had joined our family.
Matthew, you started out as one BIG baby! Nearly 11 pounds and 23 inches long, we knew that you were going to be a big, tall boy! We were right. You weight right around 32 pounds right now! Where to even begin......
Last year it seems like you were still just a little baby! You were such a sweet little guy; always smiling and getting into LOTS of mischief!

As we entered 2011 you still had your precious baby curls. As you grew bigger you wanted to do so many of the things that big brother did.

I look at these pictures and I think how much you were still my baby. You were still nursing to go to sleep and I knew it wouldn't be long that you would be growing up to be a big boy!

Around 16 months we got your curls trimmed up. You really did start looking like a little boy then. I was sad, but happy too because you were starting to grow into your funny, cute little self!

You are a great little eater, sleeper, and such a sweet boy. Matthew, we could just eat you up you're so precious. I tried to make our alone time (while big brother was at school) precious and it still is precious to me knowing I got a few days of alone time with you...just you and me!

Starting around May we could really see you were turning into more of a toddler, and less of a baby. You are starting to love things that GO! and you are starting to really love sports! You love to play baseball and golf. As the weather has gotten warmer we can play more outside and you just love to go outside!

We're not exactly sure where you get your destructive tendancies from, but you sure love to throw things around, explore, and smash just about anything. We lovingly call you Destructo!

We pretty much live outside this summer! You and big brother love to play in the water table (and I do mean IN it) water the garden with daddy, play on our swingset, and eat dinner outside as much as possible. You are such a mess; literally sometimes!

Later in the summer you became a big brother. That means you are no longer the little baby of the family. I think the role fits you perfectly. You slowly and gently warm up to your new baby brother, Noah. Now that you're used to him you pretty much cover him in kisses and you love to pat his head. Daddy also got you a really big big-boy haircut. I think you look so grown up; it makes me sad.

As you've grown I've noticed that while we may call you Destructo sometimes, you have a quiet, soft spot within you. Your sweet brown eyes tell a lot when I look into them. I am so happy to be your mama!

By now we've noticed your love and skill for sports. I think you might come by it naturally, seeing as how you're probably going to be tall and built big. Who knows, but we think you've got some pretty impressive golf and hitting skills to not be quite 2!

Matthew, as another year of growth and development comes to a close, I hope you feel loved, safe, happy, and adored by all of us! Although you are now a middle child, I hope you never feel stuck in the middle. Sometimes at the end of the day I worry if I gave enough to you; I talk to JM all day and while you can say a LOT of things, I feel that having a new baby brother and and an older brother that you might feel a little left out. I hope you know how much we love and cherish you. I'm happy that I still get to occasionally rock you to sleep for nap or bed and when I do I am in pure heaven! I will never stop thanking God for the blessing that is YOU! What a wonderful addition you are to our family, sweet brown headed middle boy. Happy 2nd Birthday Matthew James!