We are still in baby-waiting mode around here. I'm feeling especially contraction-y tonight so I'll divide my post up into 2 different ones. My dad will be up in a few days so it will be nice to see him somewhat close to Father's Day and I think Jordan had a nice Father's Day today also. I'll do my Father's Day post tomorrow!
This weekend I got some things done that are hard to do after a new one comes along: I got my brows, toes, and nails done! I need to pack myself and the baby's things this week! I can't wait until my parents come on Wednesday. I am realizing I really need the help right about now!
Earlier in the week I decided I wanted to see if any of our friends might want to come over after dinnertime on Saturday to have dessert and let the kids play and adults talk! I made tea and lemonade and we had our big bucket full of waters and drinks outside on the back porch.
Jordan worked hard at getting all of the kid's water toys and tables out and he got the yard looking great for our company! I'm glad we had a few people over one last time before the baby comes. I'm not sure how the rest of our summer is going to go, so this was a nice way to have a casual evening together! Everyone brought a dessert and we had a great time. Most importantly, everyone's kids played HARD and slept great (except for Matthew!)
While Jordan mowed the lawn John Michael and Jack watched his every move!

John Michael is learning a lot about watering the garden, dirt, and worms so far this summer. He's been doing a really good job of watering our blueberries. We figure it will be a few years before we really see many blueberries on our bushes!

Even Jack enjoyed hanging around out back while we got the yard ready for our friends to come over!

Matthew also wanted to be like Daddy, so he helped Jordan pick weeds!

These boys love their Daddy and want to do all the things that he does! Matthew has proven to be our "in the dirt" child. Not at all surprising. He has loved getting in the garden and moving all the soil around and getting totally dirty! He's all boy!

This picture just makes me laugh because he looks so big perched on top of the slide!

I love having friends over, especially when we can all just hang out in the back yard!

I laughed so hard when I saw this next series of pictures. Matthew had his first rice crispy treat and sweet, sweet Luke apparently wanted one too!

Sadly, Matthew doesn't look very concerned that Luke wants his treat pretty badly!

Matthew didn't really like his rice crispy treat all that much. He gave it to me right after this!

On the other hand, JM looooved his rice crispy treat! He kept trying to steal one off of my plate.

We all had a great time and after Jordan finished the boys' baths they came into our closet and climbed into Jack's kennel. If you don't know our crazy dog, I have to tell you we have to crate him when people come over because he's so crazy and wants to lick everyone and jump on them!
I have NO idea why they love playing in this crate, but they do!