So what did we do to keep ourselves occupied while we were snowed in for close to 5 days? I tried hard not to have too much Mickey or Cars on, but some days it was a total loss. We did different activities around the house and I tried to come up with some fun projects to keep them happy. There's only so much you can do with a 2 year old and a 1 year old for so many days on end in the house.
I have to admit, by Saturday I was so excited to get in Jordan's Jeep and just go and get out of the house! It was a rough week just being stuck here but I know it was my attitude that needed adjusting! I'm so glad that God gave us a beautiful, sunny, and slightly warmer day on Saturday. God knew we needed a sunny day to lift our spirits and also to get us prepared for the next "big" snow storm that we're supposed to get by Tuesday night. I felt so refreshed and happy after being out all day Saturday. Bring on the next storm, I think I can handle it now!
I got out some of our Christmas present Play-Doh and I actually got John Michael to participate and play with it!

They played with it for about 45 minutes and we brought it out a few other days too!

Matthew drug out some of my acrylic glassware....

and I got out the old baby bathtub and we used it as a "boat"! They both liked it and played in it off and on!

We watched Cars a lot! We are definitely in that stage right now!

And to round out our week I used an idea that I had gotten from a friend from MOPS. I got some pudding and put food coloring in it and let them go to town in our guest bathroom shower stall. For some reason they like playing in it because it's quite large and you can easily walk in. Who knows why, but I just go with it!

Matthew was a little more unsure of it, but he played a little bit. After they were done, I handed them off to Jordan and I just rinsed the shower stall out. Not bad!

I have my Saturday morning pictures on another camera but we left right after we rolled out of bed and threw some clothes on. I was ready to get going! I'm so glad we have one car with 4WD! Our first stop was to head down to the donut shop right down the road. We enjoyed our first day out in a while and we saw some friends from church while we were there! We went to Target, got Matthew's feet measured at Stride Rite, ate at the food court and rode the trucks there, and then finished up at our Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market. It was all we could do to keep the boys up until we got home for naptime!
Later that afternoon we decided it would be SO nice to have some friends over since all of us had been stuck in the house for days on end. We ordered pizza, I made a big salad, and they brought a peanut butter pie, our favorite! It was low key and last-minute but it was fun and it was so nice to get some adult conversation in!

They really enjoyed the drumset!

Our Sunday morning service was pushed back a bit since it was still so snowy and icy. After service we went out to eat, which we never usually do on Sundays. We knew we would be having another big snow storm this week so we wanted to just be out as much as possible!
I love this picture for many reasons, but mainly I love how I have ketchup on my right shoulder and sleeve from John Michael eating his chicken and holding onto me with ketchup hands. I also noticed I have hot sauce still left on my hand (hey, it was a fried chicken place, you gotta have hot sauce!). JM loves my sunglasses and I love him in them!