*I realize this is so long, but I like to document little things that go on in our daily lives. I can't even remember what I ate for lunch, so I figure in a couple of years I won't be able to remember all these little things!
So, I was working on a little surpirse last week. Since Jordan's mom and sister were visiting with us, I decided I should make our annual summertime trip back home with them. I decided to keep it a secret so that we could surprise my family! We left early Thursday and drove to Mississippi and spent the night. JM was super-happy because he got to ride in his Aunt "nanya's truuuck" and watch lots of movies in the backseat with her. It worked out well and Matthew and I followed in our car!
A few crazy things happened along the way; hey what doesn't happen when you're traveling with little ones and a doggy?! We had adjoining rooms at the hotel and they had two baby beds for us. I set up all of our baby bed items like crib sheets, blankets, stuffed animals, sound machines, baby monitors and crib mobiles to make it more like home. We ate at the restaurant next door and then headed back up for baths for the little ones.
Neither went down very well. Matthew did pretty well but JM was just absolutely a crying mess and then he would wake up Matthew and they would both be up. Gaga eventually got JM down for a little bit. Both were up different times that night and then Matthew woke up around 3 am and had fever, he also wanted to play. This was just a sign of things to come! So, by 6 am we were all exhausted!
We packed everything back up and got on the road around 10 and we made it home after lunchtime. My mom was SO shocked when we rang her doorbell. Special delivery, huh?!
The next two days were a blur of sleepyness. Matthew's ear infection had gotten WAY worse and he now had fever and was throwing up. Our doctor called in a new antibiotic for him and he's getting better. Also, JM was not napping or sleeping well and was waking up multiple times during the night along with Matthew. I was so exhausted I just cried one afternoon while I was trying to force him to take a nap.
Luckily, things are getting better. I sent JM over to his Gaga's house just around the corner so that he can sleep in peace without being woken up. It has helped him and he has finally gotten some good sleep. Matthew is better, but after antibiotic #3 he still seems to be pulling on his ear occasionally. A visit to my childhood ped. might be in order if he's not better in a few days!
On the road again. Thank goodness for our helpers. Each time we stop we take Jack to potty, give him water, change each baby and then I feed Matthew. It takes forever and there's no way I could do it all by myself with them at this age!

JM chilling at the hotel while we load up the luggage "truck"! Our hotel had the Disney Channel! Yay!

Matthew was just as happy to be leaving to head home to Sweet Home Alabama!

We've had fun while we've been home. Matthew has been sitting like a big boy in JM's booster seat! Our parents are totally over the moon about these two!

Say cheese!

Now, onto my pooltime story! Jack either jumped in or fell into the pool. I'm not sure which one. It all happened in slow motion, but luckily he knows how to swim!

If you know anything about bichon hair you know what a pain it is to groom them. Luckily, I hadn't gotten him groomed before we left, I would have been mad! He was totally soaked and he ran all around getting dry.

By the way, it's about a billion and a half degrees here. I couldn't believe I had forgotten how hot it is. It's not nearly this hot in NWA this time of year. I guess I've forgotten my southern roots already! It's felt like being in a hot steam shower and my poor, poor hair is not fairing too well!
John Michael was so tired from the trip and not sleeping well that he actually fell asleep in the pool! Jordan's mom had him and I looked over and he was actually asleep!! He slept for quite a while! He was wiped out!

We've rested up and gotten back on a better schedule so we're excited to get out and about and do some fun things around town this week! More pics to come!
Verse O' the Day:
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.
1 Corinthians 2:9