It's been a weekend of firsts...or this could be entitled "The longest post ever, with the most pictures...ever!"
Let's start out on Thursday. Maybe Thursday doesn't count as the weekend, but work with me, it's going in with my weekend post!
Thursday was playgroup and it was a
first that John Michael didn't freak out and scream at playgroup! He sat at the big boy (little) table and ate his lunch with the older boys. Too cute. I'm sad he's old enough to do this now! He also played well with the other boys (it ended up being a house full of little boys!) and did just great. He's growing up and maturing a lot! We had such a good time!

Matthew played on the floor and had a good time! Some other mamas watched him while I ate lunch and actually got to talk!

Check out this awesome Spider Man 4 wheeler. JM fell in love! He wandered off into their playroom and played with it for a while, going vroom, vroom, vroom!

Moving along, Thursday night was Bunco! I instantly knew Amber (who hosted) was my kind of Southern gal because she served green pepper jelly over cream cheese with crackers. If you have never had this, you should! It's so easy and so good. I have not had it in a while and I was in heaven!
Of course I took Baby Matthew to his first Bunco and he did great! I brought him in his pjs and Laurie walked around with him and he fell fast asleep! He's such a good baby. He just rolls with whatever we do. Second babies have to be like that, right?! Oh yeah, and I won a prize for most losses! I kind of didn't mind, though, because it was a great prize!

Friday was glorious! I mean, just beautiful! We took full advantage of the sunshine. After we came home from our MOPS meeting, we had lunch and then a good nap. After nap we headed outside to eat snack and play!

JM did not want to share his goldfish with Jack!

Matthew stayed inside with me because it was still a bit windy for him!

I then loaded up our new double stroller and Jack and we took a walk. I didn't call any of our neighborhood friends to walk with us because I didn't want to embarass myself by getting winded by walking two blocks. You can tell I had a baby late in the fall and then have been hibernating in a house with two little ones while we wait for Spring! Out o' shape city.
We were so glad that we took advantage of the pretty weather because of this on Saturday:

Yup, the first day of Spring and we had around 8-10" of snow. Good times. I hate the snow now!
Moving on, once more. Saturday was the first time that I hosted all the neighborhood couples from our Sunday School class for dinner. We're blessed with a few couple that live just right by...oh yeah, and we've all just had babies!
JM and Braxton sat at Braxton's little table (thanks Jessica!) and ate like little gentlemen! They did great and they had a blast playing. JM cried when they left!

We had a packed house, but I love it like that! I served yummy lasagna and garlic bread and everyone else brought salad, dessert, and veggies. We had some great desserts and I'm sure no one went home hungry!

We put Matthew in his high chair for the first time! He did great and it gave Jordan and me a chance to sit and eat our meal. I can't believe he's almost old enough to be sitting in his high chair eating rice cereal.

Sunday morning we woke up to tons of pretty snow and no church, so we hung around in bed and played and watched cartoons with the little ones. Matthew showed off his new skill of rolling! He rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time! Although, I do think that the contour of the bed helped him roll!

"Did I just do that?!"

And, of course, Big Brother had to come check it out and see what Matthew was up to. Oh yeah, and hold his hand!

Call me crazy, but these were the absolute biggest flakes that I had ever seen. I know I'm from Alabama, but still. I was in shock at how big they were. It was almost like tons of feathers falling from the sky!

I just thought this was a precious picture of Baby Matthew getting all warm and cozy on Jordan. He looks so sleepy!

Only two more firsts to cover! John Michael drank out of a regular cup for the first time! We usually always have sippy cups, but we tried letting him just hold it and drink it and he did great! He knew that he was so big and he just kept smiling and smiling!

Also, John Michael began to sing a little over the weekend. He is obsessed with "E-I-E-I-O" and he always says it, but he started actually singing it and it's right on pitch! It sounds exactly like it should.
What a fun, exciting, and long weekend we had. Now, we're just waiting on all this crazy snow to melt so that Spring can officially come!