It's going to be one of those days, I thought to myself as I aimlessly drove around lost early this morning. I was all set to be on time at 9am, no less, to sign up for MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers. A few girls from Sunday School were going to sign up and I thought it sounded like a great opportunity to be able to meet other moms in our area, so I was all for it.
As I got a little more lost and a little more lost and as the clock ticked further and further away from 9:00 I wanted to have a good ol' pregnancy induced cry. Luckily, Jordan wasn't in meetings and he googled directions for me and told me to stop freaking out. He's always so darn calm.
Jordan guided us to our location and we eventually made it for sign up, and it was fine that I was late....but still. With both myself and John Michael nursing nasty colds, it just started our day off on the wrong foot, plus I don't like being late.
Still in my pregnant hormone-induced "mood" we headed to the Associate Store to see if they had any deals out for the day. Oh boy, did they, but since it was
one of those days, we missed ALL of the brand name diapers they were sitting out for $4! I mean, like boxes of Luvs, Pampers, and Huggies. They even had Huggies wipes, but we were just not fast enough getting in there to get the deals.
Why me?! I selfishly asked.
Of course we didn't get any deals and we were late this morning, I thought to myself....because
it's one of those days. You've never seen so many moms pushing and shoving and grabbing as when they have things like this at the Associate Store. We missed the deals, so no savings for us today.
After we had lunch at home we went outside to the backyard to play and get some energy out for our new and improved naptime schedule. The day was glorious; beautiful, warm, and sunny.
Although it's August there was a cool breeze blowing and the sunshine felt so good and warm on our skin. We checked on the progress of our tomatoes, rode in our little red car, and played with the wheels on our Tonka truck.
Then, I did something I never do....I laid in the grass with John Michael. He laid with me and on me and sat beside me while I curled up beside him. We laid on our backs and John Michael tried to climb me. I began to savor every single second that I had with our little first born while he is still an only child. How bittersweet it was to sit in the sunshine, with the cool breeze blowing our hair and just listening to him say dada, mama, and make his little bun bun car sound.
Yes, I began to think to myself, It's one of
those days. One of those afternoons you will yourself to tuck away deep in the recesses of your brain and never, ever forget.
Although I couldn't break myself away from him to go get the camera, I'll have every little fun second we spent laying and cuddling in the grass together on a warm August afternoon. I won't soon forget his little blue and white seersucker jon jon and bare feet in the grass and how his little blond curls looked blowing in the wind.
So, yes, it started out of
those days...but ended up being one of
those days, the ones that lifelong memories are made of. As I felt that warm sunshine on my skin and stroked John Michael's precious curls as he sat beside me, I knew God was teaching me a good, hard lesson today. I need to stop being so whiney and go with the flow...loosen up....lay in the grass with my baby...also, don't worry that there could be bugs in the grass.
I want more of those days, how 'bout you?! Sorry, no cute pictures today...just a story.