Monday, August 31, 2009

Fun Stuff!

It's been a fun week with Mom visiting, even though John Michael was sick for the first half of it!  We haven't been doing too many things.  We've just been hanging around and playing!

We picked Mom up at the airport, and much to my delight, there was a kids play-place.  Although, I do think that this is where JM got sick from, ugh.  He LOVED this play-place!  It had a steering wheel, which was all he needed to see to know he was in love!  He crawled and walked in and out and sat on the big fish and turtle.  It was a big display put on by the Aquarium, so everything was about fish and water!  It was such a great idea for little kids at the airport!

John Michael has taken an interest in helping me clean around the house!  This was one of the questions they asked me at his big check-up, so I figure it's a normal (but cute) developmental milestone.  Just this morning he helped me mop the kitchen and he loves to get the swiffer out whenever he can!

JM also has a new favorite activity.  We brought the glider for the baby's nursery into the den so that Mom could have a comfy chair and now JM plays with it all day!  He loves to rock it and he gets on and off of it.  Mostly, he loves to crawl in it and roll all over it with his legs hanging off.  He's so silly!  The chair does not match my den decor, so we'll see how long it stays!

Another new thing for us was moving up to the bigger kids room for Sunday School.  He's no longer in the nursery, and this was his first Sunday in the big room.  This was the only picture I could get of him!  He was so fascinated by all that was going on behind him that he wouldn't look at me!

He promptly started screaming after this.

Verse O' the Day:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud...It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jesus and Football and Croup, too

Long time, no blog!  We have our Meme up here right now visiting!  We picked her up in Tulsa and John Michael promptly got croup!  UGH!  He's doing so much better because I figured it out immediately and we headed to the doctor and got on meds to get it cleared up.  I heard that first raspy bark and I knew it was the ole icky croup!

Of course I'm behind on blogging so I'm just posting a few random pictures that are left over on the camera from the last week or two from when Gran and Gamps were visiting!  I'll get around to posting some more current pictures of our visit with Meme!

The more I looked at this next picture, the more I laughed and laughed about it!  John Michael was "reading" his Story of Jesus (one of his top 5 books right now) but I happened to notice that there's football on in the background.

Reading about Jesus and watching football is such the way to go!  I guess he's learning to double task at an early age.  Oh yeah, he's wearing his Alabama football cap too!

We had to stay out of Sunday School this past week because of Jon Michael's cold, but here he is at his last Sunday in the infants room.  I'm not going to talk about how sad that is.  I just know we're moving up and into new age groups and adventures!  That's what I'm telling myself...

Here's John Michael and Sarah Kate on their Sunday before moving up to the big kids room.  Wells wasn't there that day or else I would have gotten the trio in a picture!

After church we met Gran and Gamps at P.F. Chang's and JM enjoyed playing with his chop sticks!

We also played outside in our red car (like we do most days) when Gran and Gamps were here!

What a cute fella he is playing in his car in the sunshine!

Hopefully our little guy will feel better tomorrow and we can start to get out and about and do some fun things this week!

Verse O' the Day:

In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will.

Ephesians 1:11

Friday, August 21, 2009

One of THOSE Days...

It's going to be one of those days, I thought to myself as I aimlessly drove around lost early this morning.  I was all set to be on time at 9am, no less, to sign up for MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers.  A few girls from Sunday School were going to sign up and I thought it sounded like a great opportunity to be able to meet other moms in our area, so I was all for it. 

As I got a little more lost and a little more lost and as the clock ticked further and further away from 9:00 I wanted to have a good ol' pregnancy induced cry.  Luckily, Jordan wasn't in meetings and he googled directions for me and told me to stop freaking out.  He's always so darn calm.

Jordan guided us to our location and we eventually made it for sign up, and it was fine that I was late....but still.  With both myself and John Michael nursing nasty colds, it just started our day off on the wrong foot, plus I don't like being late.

Still in my pregnant hormone-induced "mood" we headed to the Associate Store to see if they had any deals out for the day.  Oh boy, did they, but since it was one of those days, we missed ALL of the brand name diapers they were sitting out for $4!  I mean, like boxes of Luvs, Pampers, and Huggies.  They even had Huggies wipes, but we were just not fast enough getting in there to get the deals. 

Why me?! I selfishly asked.

Of course we didn't get any deals and we were late this morning, I thought to myself....because it's one of those days.  You've never seen so many moms pushing and shoving and grabbing as when they have things like this at the Associate Store.  We missed the deals, so no savings for us today.

After we had lunch at home we went outside to the backyard to play and get some energy out for our new and improved naptime schedule.  The day was glorious; beautiful, warm, and sunny. 

Although it's August there was a cool breeze blowing and the sunshine felt so good and warm on our skin.  We checked on the progress of our tomatoes, rode in our little red car, and played with the wheels on our Tonka truck. 

Then, I did something I never do....I laid in the grass with John Michael.  He laid with me and on me and sat beside me while I curled up beside him. We laid on our backs and John Michael tried to climb me.  I began to savor every single second that I had with our little first born while he is still an only child.   How bittersweet it was to sit in the sunshine, with the cool breeze blowing our hair and just listening to him say dada, mama, and make his little bun bun car sound.

Yes, I began to think to myself, It's one of those days.  One of those afternoons you will yourself to tuck away deep in the recesses of your brain and never, ever forget. 

 Although I couldn't break myself away from him to go get the camera, I'll have every little fun second we spent laying and cuddling in the grass together on a warm August afternoon.  I won't soon forget his little blue and white seersucker jon jon and bare feet in the grass and how his little blond curls looked blowing in the wind.

So, yes, it started out of those days...but ended up being one of those days, the ones that lifelong memories are made of.  As I felt that warm sunshine on my skin and stroked John Michael's precious curls as he sat beside me, I knew God was teaching me a good, hard lesson today.  I need to stop being so whiney and go with the flow...loosen up....lay in the grass with my baby...also, don't worry that there could be bugs in the grass. 

I want more of those days, how 'bout you?!  Sorry, no cute pictures today...just a story.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Around the House

Last weekend we cleaned and got ready for a visit from Gran and Gamps.  They just left out today, so this weekend we will be cleaning and getting ready for a visit from Meme in the coming week!!  We had a great  visit with them and JM got lots of spoiling.   I'm sure the spoiling will continue while Meme is here, too!

Last weekend while we were putting things away and cleaning on the office/soon to be nursery John Michael got into a few things.  He discovered the rolling pin (you know, for all the homemade pie crusts and biscuits I make) and carried it around for a while!  Jordan showed him how it spins and he liked that!

 Next, in the office, he discovered Jordan's boxes of computer stuff and cables (that has yet to be removed and stored so I can work on the nursery....I digress)  John Micahel loves computer keyboards and laptops and things like that.

Hmmm...I wonder where he gets this fascination with electronics from?!  He's going to be so much like Jordan, I think.

He's always trying to figure out how our laptop works.  He looks at the front and then goes to the back to see if he can figure out how it works!  He's our baby genius...we're not biased at all!  Oh yeah, after he was done playing he sat on the keyboard!

After a little nap we got ready to go out and about and I had Jordan dress JM in his little blue and white gingham shirt...because it was the same shirt Jordan had on.  Can you notice how I don't have a picture of the two together?  I think Jordan did that on purpose!

JM has a new found love of yogurt burst Cheerios.  He never really liked them before, but he does now!

He also got into the cabinet and found a blow pop...I have no idea where it came from!

For some reason he looks really surprised here!  He looks like such a little man in this outfit!

I'm so behind on posting, but next time I post I'll have some news on some little teeth that might (finally) be coming through!  Also, I think JM has a cold and I might have a little one too, so we've all been a little under the weather and feeling icky.  JM's had fever and we had a bit of a rough night last night.  I'm glad tomorrow is Friday!

Verse O' the Day:

For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light.

Mark 4:22

Friday, August 14, 2009

I Should Be Cleaning...

I should be cleaning my house and getting started on my weekly laundry, but I just can't!  I'm having the best time looking at all of the vacation spots over at Kelly's Korner!  I have a feeling I'm going to be looking at these for most of the weekend.

I'm pretty interested in other people's lives so I just love looking at people's travel pictures and also just seeing what different people like as far as vacations go.  My motto is...if it doesn't involve the ocean and sand, it's not a vacation! 

Of course we loved our honeymoon in Mexico and we want to go back (I already posted those pictures for Show us your life: honeymoons).  Our next favorite places are Disney World and going back home to Tuscaloosa for ballgames!

It's no secret I LOVE Disney World.  In fact, I dreamed about it last night.  I can't wait to go back and I'm trying to think of when we should go again!  We went to celebrate John Michael's first birthday because Jordan celebrated his first birthday there, too!  Maybe we'll have to go back next November to celebrate baby #2's first birthday!

Being silly on the monorail

We had to ride Small World one last time.  Can you tell JM is staring at all the clocks behind us?!  He was in clock heaven on that ride!


Last fall we took John Michael back home to go to his first Alabama football game!  He did so much better than we anticipated and he even took a nap during the game!  I know it may not count as a favorite vacation spot, but I'm going to include it anyway! 

We love Tuscaloosa but we never get a chance to go back anymore.  Because of my due date I don't think we'll be going back for any games this fall.  So sad.

We went to the Quad on Friday night (which was Halloween too) for the bonfire!

The next day we stopped by the College of Nursing...

Went by the Supe Store....

Went back to the spot where we got engaged on campus...

Took a little break in the A-Club room before the game...

Ran by the sorority house to look at their lawn decoration...

Watched the game in Dada's lap...

Then walked all the way across campus back to the car to beat the crowd...

 That trip back home was fun just to take John Michael back!  I'm sure we'll have lots of homecomings in our future!  Happy weekend!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Petite Playdate!

The other day we had Jessica and Braxton over for lunch.  I owed them a lunch date and since the weather had been so rainy the whole day and night before, I thought that Tuesday would be a great day for our little guys to get together and play inside instead of out in the wet grass!

We had a yummy lunch of sandwiches, goldfish, hot dogs and fruit!

I think they were glad that I made brownies!

Two different age groups...they're into totally different things!  BUT, they were both excited about banging on the drum!

John Michael was really going at it!  He really likes drums.

And for some reason John MIchael started sitting in Harper's Bumbo seat when we went to playgroup last week at Kelly's house.  I totally forgot to post pictures from that, by the way.  My camera went dead!

So, I got his Bumbo seat down from the top of the closet where it has always been because he hated it!  He likes to get in it and pretend to read books.  He was so serious in this picture.  He wouldn't give up any smiles at all!

He does need a little help getting out of it because of his chunk-o-legs!  Too cute!

Verse O' the Day:

He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.

Psalm 112:7

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What's Goin' On

JM is has not napped for the last 3 afternoons in a row and I am about to fall over I'm so tired!  Most days I like to nap when he does but he has refused!  I'm not sure if it's time to cut out his morning nap yet or not.  I'm not really sure about new stuff like this.  He's always so sleepy around 10 am and he usually always falls asleep really well in the morning.  All I know is that I'm pregnant and tired and in need of a nap on most afternoons.

Oh yeah, and yesterday he found his little camera monitor.  Somehow, he's never really been that interested in it but he found it yesterday during afternoon nap so I had to go in there and end that.  Lucky me, he found it again this morning at about 6:50.  I am NOT a morning person and that's just way too early to get up!  Needless to say, the camera is now sitting outside the crib.  He's still reaching for it as I type!

I found a few deals today at Walgreens!  They haven't had anything good for a while and for a few months I just stopped looking!  This is what I got for $7.45!!

I had $1 off of 2 General Mills cereals and $0.55 off the Mentos gum and then Walgreens had a coupon for the Mentos.  I really love the Walgreens brand ziploc bags, too.  I think they're even better than Ziploc so I always try to get them when they run them for $0.99!

What else is new?!  Jackson got groomed today and he looks so fluffy and pretty.  I just love it when he's groomed!  He's so much happier too.  He knows he's looking good!  He's like a little white cloud.  It's also like a day at doggy daycare so he's SO tired when he comes home.  He plays and runs around with the other dogs while he's there.  He loves to go.  We have the best groomer and I'll never go to anyone else!

Have a happy rest of the week.  I am patiently waiting for all my little green tomatoes to turn into juicy red tomatoes that I can eat!

Verse O' the Day:

For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.  (REALLY neat verse, I don't think I've ever seen it!)

2 Peter 2:19