What do Disney and a garage sale have in common, you may ask? Well, if you're us you have a fantastic garage sale in which to make money to
take to Disney so that you can eat while you're there!
To make a long story short, we were thinking about doing Disney in the Fall with a more manageable 18 month old, but for certain work reasons Jordan thought it wasn't a good idea for him to leave for a whole week this fall.
Fast forward to a week ago and we bit the bullet and frantically searched airline tickets, called the military resort on Disney property that we'll be staying at to see if, by some miracle, they had any openings, and aligned our travel schedules with Jordan's mom and Nat and everything worked out perfectly.
Now, if you know me you know why I
could not book a trip to Florida (that didn't involve sitting at the beach) in June/July/August. I am the most whiney/complaining person when I get remotely hot or start having frizzy hair issues. All of that would happen in the Summer walking for miles on end and standing in line for rides at Disney. Jordan can just hear the "I'm ho-o-o-t, It's hot here" coming from my mouth on a daily basis.
Everything worked out for us to leave right after John Michael's first birthday party. We'll do JM's party on Friday, Baby Dedication at church on Sunday (with lots of family still here from JM's first birthday to see it!) and then fly out with Gran and Gamps early Monday morning!

Disney World, here we come and we can't wait! I've gotten several travel books, called to make our reservations for character breakfast, the underwater restaurant at Nemo and Friends, and a special night out for just Jordan and me!

I'm actually most excited about going to Epcot. From what I remember it was my favorite place. This trip will be very interesting with a one year old and we probably won't do all the things we're really wanting to do, but I know it's going to be great and John Michael will be interested in all the sights and sounds. I'm positive we'll have thousands of pictures by the time we get back!
I'm like a little kid again, waiting on vacation! Is it sad to get so excited over this?!
And just for fun, here's a picture of Jackson helping us at the yard sale. He was a big hit and everyone wanted to pet him and know what kind of dog he was! He was a little nervous because we were selling so much stuff he thought he would be next! Uhhh...you'll probably only get that joke if you're a Dave Ramsey fan! Thank you Dave Ramsey for helping make a Disney trip possible for a family with a baby and a stay-at-home mom!

Verse O' the Day:
See to it that no one misses the grace of God.
Hebrews 12:15